Place Je passe

Wednesday, August 3, 2011 at 6:30 pm (Uncategorized) (, , )

49. Ink Flamingos – Karen E. Olson
50. Eat, Slay, Love – Jesse Petersen

I don’t know what the title means, but it’s the name of the song I was listening to a moment ago.  And oh hey, halfway mark!  A couple of months late, but I’ve got a stack of books that should be quick reads, so maybe I’ll catch up.  No telling, because I’ve gotten way back into anime, and have spent a lot of time wading through my pile of shame, as well as keeping up with simulcasts.

The above two books are both conclusions to series that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed.  Ink Flamingos ended in a really great place for Brett, and she really deserves it after all the traumatic crap she went through, especially in IF.  And I was reading Ms. Olson’s blog on why it’s the last book, and she’s right- there’s only so many times you can solve a murder if you’re not specifically in the murder solving business.

I was a left a little bit out to dry by the ending of ESL.  I would have liked an epilogue, or something, so we’d know how things in that world are resolved.  Then I thought about it some more and realized: this is not a story about a zombie apocalypse; this is a story about Sarah and David in the zombie apocalypse, and their story is done.  ….I wouldn’t say no to more novels or short stories set in that world, though. 🙂

I’m always a little scared to read the end of a series because of the Tethercat Principle, but I was overall satisfied that the characters can go on without me looking over their shoulders.

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