Argle largle!

Friday, February 27, 2009 at 1:44 am (Uncategorized) (, )

Seems I spoke too soon.  I paid for and downloaded the ebooks, then found they’re in a different, newer format that requires a new software download to open them.  So I download the new stuff, extract the books, and now I turns out I can’t read them in Adobe Reader.  I have to use the new thingie.  This wouldn’t be so bad, except the new thingie doesn’t have a fullscreen view.  So the screenshots I get won’t be quite as big as my last release.  It’s probably not really noticeable unless you actually put them up side by side one another, but I’ll know in my heart of hearts that Joan 1 is larger than Joan 2 and 3.  And I hate inconsistency.  Boo.

This rant is a lot more scaled back than the original, because you guys can’t tell that I spent at least half an hour trying to reactivate my software because they thought I was moving files between two different computers, which entailed signing up for an Adobe ID, trying to log in with it, and discovering that I still can’t activate the new files to work with the old software because nothing’s changed but somebody THINKS things have.

GOD, Adobe, you suck.  But I still love you.

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