Pops, give us a rental, please

Thursday, April 29, 2010 at 12:27 am (Uncategorized) (, , , )

39. The Forest of Hands and Teeth – Carrie Ryan

Above is the zombie book I’d been pushing back for several months, and I’m glad I finally got around to reading it.  An excellent example of good “after the end” fiction.  And kudos to Carrie Ryan for writing a zombie book without using the word “zombie” once. 😀  Only thing is, I wished it was longer.  I want to know what happens to everybody!  Now I’m all worried about them.   …And on that thought, I just looked it up, and apparently there are more books coming.  Whew!  I maybe should look this stuff up before I start whining. ^^;

Tonight, the moon was doing that creepy thing it does when it hangs low in the sky and ends up looking huge and yellow.  Scared the crap out of me as I was driving home.  I turned a corner and suddenly it was THERE, looming.

Okay, anybody who knows me knows I’m kindof a sucker for coupons, sales, freakishly good deals and the like.  So recently, when Amazon had a massive anime sale this past month, things went crazy.  My Visa bill hit the kind of high that I usually only see at the beginning of school semesters.  Most everything was upwards of 40% off, and the boxsets, they were a-calling.  I ended up getting Genshiken, Paprika, Tokyo Majin, and Jyu-Oh-Sei for myself, and Pumpkin Scissors for my brother. ($14.99 for PS!  S.A.V.E. discount plus Amazon sale! Holy crap!)  Took me quite a while to finalize the buy list there.  I started out tentatively with Speed Grapher and Mushishi in the cart, and then I discovered Funimation is streaming several series, so I sampled a bit.  I ended up replacing those two titles with TM and JOS.  Maybe in future, but they just didn’t pull me into a “OMG gotta get this now!” kind of place, the way Tokyo Majin (zombies!) and Jyu Oh Sei (fight or die on a hostile alien planet!) did.

Speaking of Funimation streaming things, I recently watched Nerima Daikon Brothers.  This show, it is something to be feared.  Obscenely hilarious, likely offensive, musical AWESOME.  By the way?  We all need to envy voice actor David Devaney Jr., for he is one of perhaps only a handful of people on earth who has “Flying Butt-Plug” on his resume.

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